Members of SI4DEV are entitled to attend the annual general meeting and vote/contest to become executive officers. You will also commit to spending at least two hours a month mentoring individual SI4DEV partners or our Whatsapp groups.

To begin, please tell us more about yourself – click here.

Below are membership levels and the membership dues to qualify for each level:

a. Waddi level – N5,000,000 each year
b. Idanre level – N2,000,000 each year.
c. Obudu level – N1,000,000 each year.
d. Olumo level – N500,000 each year.
e. Zuma level – N250,000 each year.
f. Aso level – N100,000 each year.
g. Shere level – N50,000 each year
h. Gongola level – N20,000 each year
i. Plateau level – N10,000 each year

When you have decided what level you want to join, please make payment to:

Bank: GTBank (Guarantee Trust Bank)
Bank Name: Strategy and Innovation for Development Initiative
Account Number: 0366172770 (Naira)

After making payment, please send proof of transfer/deposit to and give us 2 business days for follow-up.

If you prefer to make your payment in dollars, please email for our dollar account details. Or you can join our US Affiliate organization, Spring Development Initiative (click here) where you can pay via credit/debit card or Paypal.

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