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In the world we live today, there are so many fellowships and organizations out there. It could be sometimes difficult finding the right place you belong in…A place where you can learn, grow and develop your skills. Where can you find that platform that can help you leverage on your existing resources to do exploits?

Before you consider volunteering or running a fellowship with an organization, there are certain questions you must be able to ask yourself. Some of these questions are:

How well can I grow here?

How fast will I grow here?

Can I maintain and sustain my growth here?

These are very important personal questions you need to be able to answer before completing that online application to sign up for that organization or internship opportunity. That is the reason why I strongly recommend Strategy and Innovation for Development, SI4DEV as the right place to help you develop a brand for yourself.

Here are four reasons why it would be beneficial for you to join SI4DEV:

i. PARTNERSHIP: Running a race alone could be very difficult but with the right team and support, even a marathon seems like nothing. With the partnership you stand to gain from both your colleagues and organization, you will find yourself going the extra mile with no stress.

ii. LIFELONG LEARNING: The purpose of education is lifelong learning. At SI4DEV, you are offered the best tutelage and quality education that ensures enhanced learning in the things you do.

iii. MENTORING/MENTORSHIP: Sometimes, it could be hard finding someone to guide you in the things you do especially when you do not know much people. Signing up with SI4DEV provides you with a pool of professionals ready to mentor you in critical areas where you need help the most.

iv. ADVENTURE/CHALLENGING: Who loves adventure? If you are passionate about trying things in a completely different way, SI4DEV is surely the place to be. Here, you face challenging experiences that help you develop your creativity and problem-solving skills.


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