Africa Liberation Day:
25th May 2018 like any other has come and gone
But what memories do you have of her? Some in the civil society settings probably have one or two events, others may probably have never heard of the concept. Whichever side you may belong doesn’t matter, going forward what will you be doing towards this.
The 21st century African is one of self discovery, independence, restoration of democratic institutions, economic recovery, youth engagement, fighting corruption, tackling poor education forging democratic ties across borders and all that.
Bob Marley’s ’emancipate yourself from mental slavery’ keeps reverberating in my memory. The long process taken by our fore fathers in freeing ourselves from brutalisation, slavery, forced labor, indignity and Inhuman treatment in the hands of westerners. Sadly this has taken another dimension with the emergence of modern day slavemasters. slavery, sit tight governance as seen in government circles in Africa having rulers on the seat of power for decades, muzzling opposition figures, corruption, ethnic and religious intolerance, terrorism amongst others.
Modern day thought leaders, like late Kofi Annan (former UN scribe) and my mentor Strive Masiyiwa founder Econet group have touched base with African youths through peace building, entrepreneurship and capacity building. Our over dependence on grants and donations with little to show for it.
The question here is, how have we as individuals, communities, states, nations e.t.c contributed to the liberation of the African state.
Share your thoughts. I will be reading your comments.
Africa my fathers land, Nigeria my country ..
Mother Africa I love you