World Diabetes Day is commemorated on the 14th of November annually, to create awareness on the growing burden of diabetes, its signs and management. This year’s theme is “Access to Diabetes Education”, the theme highlights the importance of educating individuals’ on the prevention, signs and management of diabetes.

Africa’s diabetes statistics reveals the depth of the challenge:  with twenty-four million adults presently living with diabetes, an expected 129% to fifty-five million increase by 2045.  Though diabetes is solely a major non-transmissible disease yet the danger of dying early is increasing, instead of decreasing.

The known risk factors include; genetics and increase in age, with modifiable risk factors like overweight and fat, inactive lifestyles, unhealthy diets, smoking and drug abuse.

Studies revealed that diabetes management and responses efforts are constrained by the fact that one in every two people in Africa living with Diabetes mellitus have never been diagnosed. Diabetes if not diagnosed and properly managed early can lead to several debilitating complications. These include; Nerve damage, heart attack, stroke, lower limb amputation, kidney failure, and visual blindness. Diabetes can be managed and its consequences avoid with good diets, proper medication and regular screening.

Today, as we mark the World Diabetes Day, individuals are encouraged to evaluate their diabetic status, practice healthy life style, exercise regularly, avoid smoking, maintain a healthy weight, and limit alcohol consumption.




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