In the past month, SI4DEV has embarked on a new #MaskupNigeria Project in the efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in Nigeria. So far, we have distributed 7,000 face masks in Abuja, Kano , Gombe, Porthacourt, Lagos , Oyo, Nasarawa and Kaduna State.
This project is a response to the additional measures been put in place in Nigeria at the end of May 2020 by His Excellency, President Muhammadu Buhari to help curb community transmission of COVID-19. The Federal Government of Nigeria mandated the use of face masks or coverings in public, and without the use of facemasks in certain states, defaulters are compelled to pay 5000 Naira each.
Many Nigerians in rural communities do not have the fund to purchase facemasks because of prior poverty or the effect of COVID-19 shutdowns on their businesses and personal lives. During the earlier SI4DEV covid-19 emergency response and relief project in April and May 2020, Primary health care centers in rural communities also complained of not having enough facemasks to safely attend to patients.
COVID-19 is primarily spread through respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks. In response to the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak in Nigeria, NCDC advises the use of face masks as another layer of protection in addition to physical distancing to help block the spread of respiratory droplets from person to person.
SI4DEV deployed over 20 volunteers in 8 states in Nigeria to distribute face masks to frontline and essential workers including the police force, COVID-19 tasks force, primary health care centers, community hospitals, market users, correctional centers (prisons) and the Federal road safety commission. We also supported this with sensitization of the general public with door to door delivery to individuals, as well as involving women and youth leaders, community heads and traditional rulers.
To contribute to SI4DEV COVID-19 MASKSUP project and help reach more locations in Nigeria, you are encourage to donate via bank transfer.
Bank Name: GTbank
Account Name: Strategy and Innovation for Development Initiative
Account: 0366172770