In What Would You Do For Change? Pt. 1, I presented 3 cases; and as Partners committed to societal transformation, I received great responses from you. In this second part of the series, we shall have three more cases to ponder over.

It is hoped that through brain-storming, we shall gain insights to tackle real situations in our community development and transformation pursuits.




Case 1:

As a development partner, you and your team convene a meeting with community members during a community needs assessment exercise. You want to hear from all classes of community members as the community leader has suggested. Men say they need industries established so that they can work, women need a well-built market where they can buy and sell, youths need jobs and skill acquisition centres, and children need their dilapidated schools renovated. The whole community needs reliable electricity and good roads. What strategy would you employ to prioritize these needs?

Case 2

You have just formed an SI4DEV group for your location. On the group, there are 11 people already. As the team leader, you feel its time your team begins working on your location. How would you go about this? And what plans would you and your team put down to commence full operations?

Case 3:

In a community, where youths make up about 45% of the population, you discover that there is a high rate of promiscuity and radicalization. The resultant effect is the rampancy of unwanted pregnancies, teenage mothers, deaths resulting from quack abortions and prevalence of STDs. Youths have also taken to substance abuse, cultism and armed robbery. The number of school drop outs increases every day. The community is in dire need of an intervention plan to halt and reverse this threatening trend. What plan would you recommend?


You may choose to respond to anyone of these cases. If responding to more than one, please address them as separate replies.

Looking forward to great responses as always!

23 thoughts on “WHAT WOULD YOU DO FOR CHANGE? PT. 2”

  1. well from my ends here we already convened the first meeting and we looked at the possibility of helping the community with mosquito nets on the world Malaria Day, even though we don;t have funds or sponsors for now, we have decided to raise what we can then call for support from the able ones from that community even if not residing there.

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