Status – Project has been completed, hoping to replicate it to other communities.

Objective – To provide training to women that are engaged in agriculture in Ugwogo Nike community on how to convert poultry waste to biogas for cooking and production of bioslurry as an organic fertilizer for farming for the reduction of greenhouse gases emission and food security Project.
Outcome: The Project trained 20 women on Food Security and Agric business skills training in the Ugwogo Nike community on the construction of biogas recorded a huge success. The women were happy to learn how they can utilize their agricultural waste for the generation of biogas for cooking and bioslurry to serve as organic fertilizer for farming.
The trainees were highly impacted by the knowledge shared during the training program. They asked questions extensively during the training and expressed satisfaction with the novel information shared with them. A biogas plant was constructed in the practical training session to produce cooking gas and organic fertilizer for farming. The women clearly understood the processes involved in the construction of a biogas plant. They appreciated the technology, it is relevant and their ability to utilize agricultural waste(biomass) like poultry droppings, cow dung, kitchen waste, and other forms of waste to ensure food security in the community. Resources were used efficiently, as items were bought at the cheapest price with high quality.
The project is sustainable
- The Ugwogo project is a self-sustained venture as it will generate income through the sales of the biofertilizer.
Next Steps
- To expand the project to another community in Enugu state, Nigeria