Iranwo Foundation partnered with SI4DEV and The Butterfly Project to provide access to information about Corona Virus to inhabitants of Makoko, a popular floating slum that serves as home to over 250,000 people in Lagos, Nigeria.
On April 27, 2020, the team held a virtual training for 3 community members about the safety precautions that should be taken within the community to prevent the spread of COVID19 in Makoko.
Furthermore, the team designed 350 posters in four different languages spoken within the community i.e. English, Egun, Yoruba and Pidgin English and enlisted the help of volunteers within the community to paste them within strategic locations in the community. This has
1- Helped the community members acquire knowledge about the Corona virus and how it spreads.
2- Helped debunk the myths about Corona Virus within the community.
3- Provided them with the information on safety measures required during the pandemic.
Inhabitants of the community have taken heed of the safety measures by making use of face masks, washing their hands and practicing social distancing as best as they can. So far, Makoko Community hasn’t recorded any case of COVID19 and we are hopeful that this will continue to be the case.
Please find the pictures and a documentary on the project below.
Thank you very much for supporting our project.