Career choice is one of the most delicate decision to make, reasons being that, one spend his or her entire life working on that career path. That is the more reason why chosen a right career is very important for young students.
For most senior student of Eagles Academy Secondary School, the six week training on life skills and leadership training was an eye opener on what it takes to choose a happy career. During the training, most of the participants learn the basic skills they need in selecting the best for there self.
The last day of the training was an opportunity for the students to express how well the training has helped them positively. One of the student said, her father wanted her to study medicine, but she discovered that she struggled with calculations subject; and if she still wants to go ahead, she may never come out with good grades. With the training, she have realized her strength and weaknesses and it will help her in chosen the most suitable for herself.
Another student said, the training has helped her to discovered her temperament. She said, “I never knew that I am a melancholic until this training. I have discover myself”
The success story continue to linger on with this words, “thank you SI4DEV for this opportunity, we have learned and we will continue to make use of all the things you have taught us”

Adeika Ayo Abraham




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