Michael Edward Ofukwu is a dynamic young leader gifted and skilled in leadership, management, organization and administration. He believe in young people as the leaders of today and tomorrow, so there’s need to properly equip and train them to become the leaders they’re created and born to be. He also have passion for nation building and national transformation. He believe that education is one of the key tool for national transformation.
In 2012 we organized a spelling bee competitions in television a community in Kaduna south for primary school pupils. What inspired us to organized the competition is because we believe that young people are the leaders of today and tomorrow and they need to be properly equip and train. Scholarship was given to four pupils that representated their schools and there parents and the school management were overwhelmed with the kind gesture. The pupils were excited because they said it will make them to study hard.
My inspiration is, I believe that education is a major key for national transformation. No Nation can raise more than the quality of her education. Over the past eight years of my life, I dedicated it and still dedicating it to raising young people to become leaders. Because if, we said children are they leaders of tomorrow and we are not committed in building them for tomorrow then the tomorrow is in jeopardy. I am committed in building and preparing young people to become leaders of today and tomorrow.
My advice to young people is to seek to discover who they are (Self Discovery) and commit to personal development. They should seek to be change agents and not contribute to part of the problem. They should know and understand that the future of this nation is in their hands and therefore seek to do the right thing and take responsibility for the their lives.
His social media handle : www.facebook.com/Mike Edward. Instagram. Mike onyilo. Twitter. Mike Onyilo Mike