On a wonderful Monday morning in the first week of March 2018, I received a mail from the organization sending me a congratulatory message as well as instructions on what to do to accept the partnership offer to the organization as a fellow. This undoubtedly was the best thing that happened to me that Monday morning. Taking a quick flashback at that moment I saw the mail, I was thankful to the brains behind technology and also to myself for making the best use of technology to harness self development. Accepting the offer was a quick decision as I’ve always been on the look out for opportunity to impact myself firsthand and the community at large. And so, the journey began.
Beginning the journey with SI4DEV, I was glad I have the opportunity to work under a boss with international exposure as I am a student although with content. I was determined and focused as I had the idea of what I want to do and how to achieve my mission of being a successful partner. The whole process was not strange as I’ve been volunteering as a project manager in another non profit organization before then, a reason I had knowledge of project management, leadership skill, communication and personnel management. However, I was glad I’m having the opportunity to work in another environment.
Starting from the first month, my experience has been wonderful. I had the opportunity to learn more about project management, grant and proposal writing, writing generally through my blog post, professionalism in terms of organizational relationship, team coordination, communication among others were improved. Most importantly, I had the opportunity to connect with mentor at the later part of the fellowship of which I received tutelage about how to run organization successfully. I can’t but appreciate the opportunity I also had in impacting the world around me in my little way.
With my six months experience as a partner to the organization while taking cue from the organization’s focus points, the maiden program organized by my location is targeted around international Women’s Day, other programs that were carried out include; physical awareness on the need for youth to engage in political decision, online campaign against drug abuse, participation in GYSD programs, participation in the crowd funding activities, several online and physical meetings with volunteers of the location group etc. My reach of impact is believe is endless because of the ripple effect of the changes I’ve effected during this fellowship.
A remarkable achievement I will never forget even though I underestimated the reach of impact was the last project I carried out, which was a 10 days awareness against drug abuse. This activity unknown to me was getting noticed by a resource person who invited me over to replicate that activity physically in their town. That passed a message that, impact can never be too small, all you need to do is do something.
On this note, I will like to appreciate the board of trustee often the organization, the program manager (Nkem Akinsoto), all the volunteers of SI4DEV Ado Ekiti location group and other partner to the organization, I wish us all good fortune in our future endeavors.

Wow, great one.
More of this are coming soon. Be focus.
Am happy for u
I benefited a lot from SI4DEV too.
Ummmmmmm, this is great
Inspire for positive change
Wow! interesting experience for me as well.