My name is Nnamso Esu. The idea for our super cooking oil was conceived when we could not find 100% pure, good taste, and hygienically prepared and well packaged cooking oil in our community. We had to resort to buying poor quality and unhealthy oil which we did not like, as the result, we started doing a research on how to produce cooking oil with high quality, good taste and well packaged in a hygienic environment on a large scale.

The result of that research is SUPER COOKING OIL. Super cooking oil is produced with fresh palm fruits. This fruit has special qualities like being naturally fortified with Vitamin A, chemically free content and naturally orange to red color. The super cooking oil is very hygienic, nutritious, 100% pure, chemically free and well packaged. It also attractively packaged in 350ml, 500ml and 750ml plastic bottles which is easy to handle(convenient) and deliver at a price that is affordable to our customers, different from what is currently obtained in our local market

Grab yours now!


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