
BACKGROUND: The project was designed to assist the most vulnerable members of the society with food items in other to cushion the effects of the lockdown imposed in the state as a means to tackle the spread of the Covid-19 virus .

BENEFICIARIES: The beneficiaries of the intervention were in two local government in Lagos State (mushin 1 and odi-olowo lcda), and in each local government ten people were identified and provided with relief materials,
ITEMS DISTRIBUTED: Items that were purchased and distributed include: Rice, Beans, Garri, Vegetable oil, Spaghetti, Sachet Tomatoe Detergents and Yam.
The economic distress associated with the pandemic, health implications to those affected especially most vulnerable in the community, strain on service delivery infrastructure and the societal cost in terms of well-being could be enormous. It is now, more than ever, that leadership which can unite the spirit of Nigerians and rouse collective action is needed. The #SI4DEV Covid-19 Response Project has impacted a lot in the lives of over 20 beneficiaries by donating food relief materials to the poor in mushin

EVALUATION: The urban poor Nigerians live and depend on daily income for their survival, and the continuous lockdown is causing hunger and lots of other hardship to this people. Inadequate sensitization and illiteracy coupled with poverty has always lead to an increase in the fear of the spread of Covid-19 Disease as people disregard lockdown orders and continue to move around in search of livelihood. It is very pertinent to engage community leaders, youth groups and host of other stakeholders. Sensitizing the general public about the spread and effect of the pandemic. Additionally, support of this nature should cover a large number of people due to the fact that poverty has eaten deep into the fabric of our society and everybody is in need
Names of the benefited street are as follows
OZIGBA STR , among others

CONCLUSION: The monitoring and participation of the mushin location group volunteers was quite encouraging as they displayed passion for the cause and resilience to continue the response project as needed.
The good people of mushin sincerely appreciate SI4DEV for the gesture and pray that may Almighty God will replenish their sources.

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