The concept of win/win is that in which everyone is seen as a winner. About 10 years ago, I learnt this from Dr. Charles C. Manz’s book: ‘The Power of Failure’. Good, we are in the days of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), where the UN’s mandate is to “leave no one behind.” So these are the days of inclusion; no longer those of survival of the fittest, as everyone is given the fair chance to live. This is the state in which the world is fast becoming- a world where diversity is respected, that accommodates minority communities; where the weakest survive. A world of win/win, where there are no victors, no vanquished!


So now, let me share with you what I mean by “Win/Win- How We Are All Part of One Another’s Business.”

Say there are 100 Partners of SI4DEV Initative, and of the 100, 10 already have their existing NGOs, 20 more have an intention of establishing their NGOs in the nearest future, 35 businesses or intend to do so. And the rest work in organizations, but just want to be part of development. That is cool! Of these people, there would be those of strong standings- those who have the expertise, personnel, money, networks, and access to opportunities; there would be others, still trying to find their feet on the ground. Nevertheless, we are all part of this beautiful organization, and we are all precious and valuable.

So what happens? People helping people begins!- we help ourselves in our individual visions. What if we all partake of one another’s initiatives so as to help everyone stand? For instance each partner could be part of 5 other partners’ NGO’s or businesses, so that no one lacks the personnel or expertise in his/her initiative. And then everyone’s initiative would have at least 20 people on their team. You see, that way, we would be helping one another and not even the weakest among us would fall. Think of what each of us would be gaining by doing this: awesome profiles, rich experiences and great networks. Then, consider what each of these initiatives would become in 5 years

from today. They would have accomplished great feats! This is the art of leaving no one behind.

As like minded people, we need to collaborate to help one another get established, stand and grow. We need to establish sharing of ideas, skills and experiences; we need to employ win/win in order for us to grow.

So how do we employ win/win on others?

  1. Identify initiatives of our co-partners that interest us
  2. Sign up for them
  3. Begin to work towards uplifting them

What do we need to do about our own initiatives?

  1. Properly plan them
  2. Launch them
  3. Advertise or call for interested members/partners
  4. Manage our team towards meeting desired objectives

Imagine you being a stakeholder of 7 other initiatives, all of which you gained from SI4DEV network. You are confident that you are making impact in life and gaining larger capacities. Your profile becomes heavy and speak volumes to potential reviewers- such reveiews can earn you awards, grant wins, fellowships, appointments or jobs. You also get to develop your own initiative through your contribution to others. That’s it!

The world has come too far not to know better. Mathematically, permutations create more results. For instance, 3 people can be arranged in “3 permutation” ways which gives 6 arrangements. With a network of people helping one another, more initiatives can be achieve and sustained. Life can greatly improve and people can have smiling faces. And yes, it is true that with win/win we become pillars of one another’s businesses, giving each of us a chance to achieve greatness.

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