Everybody want to live a significant life. It is an innate feeling that hunt every sane human being from within. Amazingly, there is no certain age bracket that houses this wonderful motivation before you develop it. Ask a kid about his ambition, you will find it amazing that despite his naivety will still proclaim his ambition to be a doctor, a lawyer, an engineer or a business tycoon. For a teenager, the answer to this question becomes more precise eg I like to be a doctor like Ben Carson, a Proffesional Footballer like Ronaldo (I’m a fan actually), a business tycoon like Bill Gate or a young billionaire like Mark Zuckerberg etc. The point is everybody want to make a name or have an impacting footprint before leaving the planet earth.
Wait a minute, have you ever think about that which your story will be at the point you are being lowered into the grave? Things people will say about you? The legacy you will leave behind? Stories like that of Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela or Obafemi Awolowo? If you have never done so, you are so lucky reading this post then. Take a pause, close your eyes and think about those things you will like people to say about you when you are being lowered into the grave. Good, now write them down on a paper in form of an autobiography as this will be the significant impact you are made to do. Another good method to know that is thinking about the personality you want to become 80 years from now.
Having discover that significant lifestyle you want to live, the right condiment to spice it up and set the purposeful lifestyle on the right momentum is to be intentional. Yes ‘BE INTENTIONAL‘.
My life of living intentionally (living a life that matters) started four years ago after reading a book by John C Maxwell on ‘Intentional Living’ which spurred me to start a journey with an international non profit organization in my school (@enactuseksu), a platform that gave me the opportunity to contribute significantly to the society. Since then, I have been enjoying it as every bit of my action gives me joy.
You can also have remarkable testimonies and achievements if you start your journey of intentional living with the following:
1. Start Small but believe big: “Nothing good as ever happened except for those who believe there is something in them greater tan circumstance”. No matter the circumstance that surrounds you, living a life that matters can be a journey you deliberately choose to act on and therefore make your priority. You may not have the financial, emotional, human and intellectual resources amongst others needed to establish a non governmental organization, but you can do something by being a volunteer in one. Start a tutorial in your school, get a sanitary pad for a poor girl child, mobilize people in your area to get their voters card registration done or share your food with a poor amongst a whole lot of things you can do. Good news is that, with these actions, you have advanced some of the sustainable development goals in your own little way. The main thing is you just find something worthwhile, take action on it and be consistent. You are a partner to SI4DEV Initiative, a very good platform to start with. Gradually, you will see change around you.
2. Search until you know your WHY: I was opportuned to attend a leadership conference in mid February 2018, this conference organized by ENACTUS Nigeria and supported by Act Foundation was tagged ‘Achieving Personal Success through Self Leadership’. At this conference and during a session with the Vice Chancellor of Covenant University (the venue of the conference), the Vice Chancellor echoed this point several times by saying “the key to personal success is through knowing oneself and being truthful to that knowledge”.
From that, I came to understand the fact that, one of the first step to living an intentional life is to know yourself, what you want to do, why you want to do it and after all living those missions and visions.
Okay, at this point, I will like to stop this write up for you to act on these information while you expect another write-up on things to do to live an intentional live. Remember “There is one unique solution you are meant to bring to the world, that’s why you have a unique fingerprint”.
(Till I come with my next post……………….. BE INSPIRED)
Feel free to contact me on this dial +2348160350557 or send a message to ataoheedolanrewaju@gmail.com
Thanks for sharing
I need to see your testimony by sharing the impacts you have started making.
Well said Donald. Thanks a lot.
You can thank me better by starting to live a life that matter through active participation in actions tat can give people a better life.
Thanks for sharing
Thank me better by acting on it.
Thanks for inspiring.
Thank me better by actively living the message. Help start with internationally writing the correct response to content.
Better put as ‘Inspirational’. Take note please.
Exciting write up
Thanks David
Thanks for sharing
I look forward to positive reinforcement in the write up from you.
Thank me better by either sharing this knowledge with someone else or actively live the message.
Thank you for sharing.
Yes, Thank you.
Nice one.. thanks for sharing.!
nice 1