How would you feel if everything you say is generally accepted by everybody?

Isn’t it going to be great if what ever you say doesn’t have to be scrutinized?

Wouldn’t it be nice to have the answers to all questions, without anybody doubt your contributions?

Basically as all questions is stated out there it wasn’t like that for Daniel,  who grew up in a family of eight (8), he was always found carrying out mischievous activities, like stealing and molesting younger kids in his area. Daniel is already sixteen (16) but had never achieved anything reasonable to see fit, he’s statement even to his parents were always seen as nothing but a paradox, that was how Daniel was seen by everybody around, and that heed every other good quality he would have possibly possessed that made everything about him not acceptable and kept his unique nature and voice not seen.

Daniel is (17) seventeen and he’s always with group of hoodlums, that made is parents had a skeptical belief about a positive future for Daniel, but there was something they haven’t tried.

Daniel had an uncle that lives in the city that was known to be very strict, his parents has agreed unanimously to send him there for another kind of handling. Daniel was angry but there was nothing he could do to revoke his parents decision.

It was time for Daniel to leave for the city, after several advice from his parents that sounded like warning, he packed up and left with his elder brother for the city. On there way his elder brother gave him few advice that changed him for good, and the words where ” Daniel in life some person’s get a second chance to change from being bad to a good person, your life style has not been adding positive value to you and the society, there by hindering your potential and your unique voice, it’s high time you changed and try the other way of being a better pass in life ” those words had changed Daniel’s mentality and vision for life, his stay with his uncle was wonderful.

When Daniel returned he has become a total different man with great words and values to his parents and society in no time. Everybody saw the change in him and always seeking knowledge from him, Daniel has made him self unique, his voice is now what people wants to here for sacrosanct conclusion.

Which value are you adding to the society?

How do people perceive your words?

Are you adding value to the society ? Or your relevance doesn’t matter?

We all live and survive for each other, increase your value from people’s past experience, read books, always stretch out helping hands, and work earnestly to make the society a peaceful and wonderful place.

8 thoughts on “That Unique Voice”

  1. Wow! Very touching story!

    “Daniel in life some person’s get a second chance to change from being bad to a good person, your life style has not been adding positive value to you and the society, there by hindering your potential and your unique voice, it’s high time you changed and try the other way of being a better pass in life.”

    What an uncle! What a touching advice! Second chance!

    Second chance has transformed lives and changed life paths. But how many people have been given the privilege? There are those who rot and die in prisons because they weren’t given second chances. I am persuaded to write on this topic now.

    Daniel was made to understand that he had a second chance and that was the trigger to his revolution and uniwue

  2. Wow! Very touching story!
    “Daniel in life some person’s get a second chance to change from being bad to a good person, your life style has not been adding positive value to you and the society, there by hindering your potential and your unique voice, it’s high time you changed and try the other way of being a better pass in life.”
    What an uncle! What a touching advice! Second chance!
    Second chance has transformed lives and changed life paths. But how many people have been given the privilege? There are those who rot and die in prisons because they weren’t given second chances. I am persuaded to write on this topic now.
    Daniel was made to understand that he had a second chance and that was the trigger to his revolution and his unique voice.

    Wow! Thanks Udeme. I learnt a great deal.

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