Background: This activity was organized in order to commemorate the International day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking the SI4DEV makurdi location group carried out an outreach at NKST Secondary School High Level Makurdi, Benue State .
1. To sensitize young people against the Abuse of drugs
Overview of the Activity: the activity took place during the students long break period (10am), we had just about 30 minutes. The students were assembled in the school hall, students from different classes both senior and junior secondary.
One of the Partners (Bem) gave a brief introduction of SI4DEV and introduced the next speaker who is also a partner (Emmanuella), she asked the students to define Drug Abuse, the students were of the opinion that Drug Abuse is the totally reliance on a drug for relief or strength especially when it has not been prescribed by a professional.
The next session was facilitated by Bem and it was about the type of drugs abused. The students mentioned the following: Tramadol, Codeine, Cannabis, the facilitator added inhalants such as soakaway, spirogyral etc.
The third session was facilitated by Mrs. Fatima Hassan who is a mental health specialist, the effects of drug abuse. She informed the children that when you abuse drugs you become intoxicated which can lead to insanity and eventually death, she also mentioned other short-term effects which negated the abuse of drugs.
During the final session, cardboard sheets were shared out to the students which had already been shared into 10 groups. They were instructed to illustrate what they have learnt on paper while working together as a team.
Number of Students: 56 students were in attendance
Challenges: we had very little time because it was their break period the Principal allotted to us. We were unable to monitor the illustrations of the students and we eventually had to let them go because we were taking the period for the first lesson after break period.
Kudos Makurdi.!
Good work Team Makurdi! Keep it up.
Nice one makurdi.
Nice one makurdi.
Keep it up.
Say no to drugs abuse…
Kudos Team Markurdi.
Well done Many and members of your team.
Kudos to team Makurdi on this
Makurdi team, thumbs up!
Well work makurdi
Kudos guys