Recently I attended an agribusiness workshop and I was amazed at the various value chains in different sectors of agricultural production. I tried to imagine that almost every area of human endeavor consist of value chains which may require the effort of more than an individual to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.

One of the maps I learnt from was in the area of poultry production, a lot of input is involved in the entire process; Egg production – hatchery technology – chick housing system – Chick selling – feeds production – mature poultry selling – meat production/processing/packaging – preservation system etc.

From the above, it is obvious that an individual in this line of business will need a lot of synergy either as input or output to achieve large scale effect.

In whatever area of endeavor you may be into as an entrepreneur,  always be mindful of the lot that can be achieved through synergy. As the Global Youth Service Day begins, there is no better time to be reminded that collectively we can make great impact.

17 thoughts on “A lot can be accomplished through Synergy”

  1. Well said. We need to see the need for synergy and embrace collaboration as the new competition. One person can do much but not as much as the synergistic efforts of great minds. With synergy, there is no limit to how much a team can achieve.

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